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Science Fiction Writer

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Sergey Lukianenko with the ''Aelita'' award
E-mail to writer: sl@rusf.ru

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About the Writer

Sergey Lukyanenko is a rather young Russian SF&F writer (born in Kazakhstan and educated as a psychiatrist) who first saw print at the end of the eighties (first published story – "Where the Mean Enemy lurks", published first in the "Uralskij Sledopyt" (The Urals Pathfinder) monthly, and then, almost immediately, in English, in a Soviet-Indian "Sputnik Junior – Junior Quest" monthly). Having begun with things in which you could feel strong influence of Robert Heinlein and Vladislav Krapivin (a recognized Russian children’s writer), he quickly enough established himself as an independent and professional writer. He became really popular after his novel "Knights of the Forty Islands" (Rytsary Soroka Ostrovov) and a story "The Nuclear Dream" [Atomnyj Son]. (Please see the bibliography in English, where you can also find some notes about the contents of the stories and prizes awarded to them).
One can also point out to the author’s trilogy "Line of Reveries" [Linija Grioz] as a wholly untraditional space opera best defied by somewhat queer term "philosophical space opera"; his trilogies "Today, Mom!" [Segodnja, mama!] and "A Lord from the planet Earth" [Lord s planety Zemlja]. Speaking of Lukyanenko, one cannot also fail to mention "Labyrinth of reflections" [Labirint Otrazhenij] which became a cult classic on the Russian Internet (these pages alone attracted over 50,000 visitors).
Sergey was awarded many prizes – among those there are the much valued "Strannik" [Wanderer], "Interpresscon", and others (please see the Awards section). In 1999, Sergey Lukyanenko became the youngest SF writer to receive the "Aelita" award for "major contribution to the Russian SF&F".
Among the writer’s latest projects there are a TV serial based on his novels "Night Patrol" [Nochnoy Dozor] and "Day Patrol" [Dnevnoy Dozor] (the latter written in co-authorship with Vladimir "Voha" Vasilyev), and an already highly successive web project – "Transparent Stained Glass Windows" [Prozrachnye Vitrazhi], written with feedback from the readers.
Successfully married, he now resides in Moscow, keeps mice as pets and indulges in cooking, smokes a pipe and enjoys the whole thing.

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(ñ) 1996-1999 Make-up, design, illustrations, other aid - collective work.
(ñ) Russian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Editor-in-Chief: Dmitriy Vatolin
(ñ) English translation by Pavel Viaznikov, John Costello, Max Hrabrov
Routine maintenance of the homepage - Konstantin Grishin.
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