Russian Science Fiction (
Results of the second round of voting - 2001

RUSSIAN SF >> "Russian Science Fiction" award >> I round results | II round of the voting
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Appearance of the award and badges | Photos: 2001, 2002 | Last year results

Final result of voting
among the editors of the server "Russian Science Fiction"

(by sum of points, in descending order)
  1. Diploma of the award (2 K)
    Design of diploma: Dmitriy Shulyndin (Exodus)
  2. 14. Lukyanenko S. Sky searchers [Iskateli neba]
    (Dilogy: novels "Cold shores [Kholodnye berega]" and "Morning is near [Blizitsya utro]") - 395 points.
  3. 5. Vasilyev V., Lukyanenko S. Day Patrol [Dnevnoy Dozor] - 185 points.
  4. 6. Vasilyev v. Wolfish Nature [Volchya Natura]
    (Dilogy: novels "Wolfish Nature" and "Beast in everyone of us [Zver v kazhdom iz nas]") - 147 points.

      Voted: 16 editors out of 25.

Results of first round voting on
the literary award "Russian Science Fiction"
for 2000 year.

Final result of voting in Internet and FIDOnet

(in the order of total points)
  1. 5. Vasilyev V., Lukyanenko S. Day Patrol [Dnevnoy Dozor] - 10587 points.
  2. 14. Lukyanenko S. Sky searchers [Iskateli neba]
    (Dilogy: novels "Cold shores [Kholodnye berega]" and "Morning is near [Blizitsya utro]") - 9407 points.
  3. 6. Vasilyev v. Wolfish Nature [Volchya Natura]
    (Dilogy: novels "Wolfish Nature" and "Beast in everyone of us [Zver v kazhdom iz nas]") - 3945 points.
  4. 15. Oldie H.L. Mage-in-law [Mag v zakone] - 3051 points.
  5. 13. Lukin E. Crimson aura of Protopartorg [Alaya aura protopartorga] - 2940 points.
  6. 11. Lazarchuk A. Sturmfogel - 2713 points.
  7. 18. Rybakov V. On the feasting of others [Na chuzhom piru] - 2691 points.
  8. 9. Dyachenko M. and S. Armaged-home [Armaged-dom] - 2590 points.
  9. 1. Burkin Yu. Flowers on our ash [Tsvety na nashem peple] - 2181 points.
  10. 8. Gromov A. Forbidden world [Zapretny mir] - 1894 points.
  11. 12. Loginov S. Card-player - 1834 points.
  12. 4. Van Zaichik H.. Greedy barbarian case [Delo zhadnogo varvara] - 1822 points.
  13. 3. Valentinov A. Heavens rejoice [Nebesa likuyut] - 1508 points.
  14. 19. Tolstaya T. Kys' - 1316 points.
  15. 7. Vershinin L. Selva knows how to wait [Selva umeet zhdat] 1276 points.
  16. 2. Bulychev Kir. Operation "Viper" [Operatsia "Gadyuka"] - 1193 points.
  17. 10. Krapivin V. Glades where starling-houses dance [Luzhaiki gde plyashut skvorechniki] 1069 points.
  18. 17. Plekhanov A. Superstate [Sverkhderzhava] - 591 points.
  19. 16. Orlov V. Shevrikuka - 476 points.
  20. 20. Shchegolev A. Zhilin peak [Pik Zhilina] - 146 points.

    Total votes: 1793

    The points of works which got to the second round are marked in red.

Results of Internet voting

(in alphabetical order)

    Total votes: 1751

FIDOnet voting results

(in alphabetical order)

    Total votes: 42

RUSSIAN SF >> "Russian Science Fiction" award >> I round results | II round of the voting
Award statute | History of the award | Frequently asked questions
Appearance of the award and badges | Photos: 2001, 2002 | Last year results

Russian SF&F -> [Strugatsky Brothers] [Kir Bulychev] [Sergey Lukyanenko] [Henry Lion Oldie] [Vladimir Vasilyev] [Sviatoslav Loginov] [Lyubov and Yevgeny Lukin] [Vladislav Krapivin] [Vyacheslav Rybakov] [Alexander Tyurin] [Alexander Gromov] [Marina and Sergey Dyachenko]

Russian Science Fiction (

Leave your wishes, proposals, opinions
© Server "Russian Science Fiction".
Any use of site materials without consent of the editors is prohibited.
Editors of the section: Konstantin Grishin, Dmitriy Vatolin, Pavel Petrienko.
© 2000 Programming of the voting script Pavel Petrienko.
© Name of the "Russian science fiction" award - Dmitriy Vatolin.
© 2001-2002 Design, pictures of the award, illustrations - Vladimir Savvateev
© 2001-2002 Make-up, preparation - Dmitriy Maevsky
© 2002 Translation into English - Denis Lianda
