
News of the Site
  • [28.10.2002] "InterBuild" Ltd. issued a collection of science fiction stories "5-th Wall". The collection is dedicated to a special topic - "Future home". Vladimir Vasilyev is represented by the story "Familiar house, unfamiliar house".
  • [28.10.2002] The sales of Vladimir Vasilyev's book in Poland will begin on 30.11.2002.
  • [23.10.2002] AST publishing house received the text of stories collection about the witcher from the Greater Kiev. It will include: "Witcher from the Greater Kiev", "Nurse", "Duty, honor and taimas", "Matter of price" and "Motherland of Indifference".
  • [23.10.2002] AST publishing house published a collection «Hydrofoil Jolly Roger», ñomprised of stories and short stories written in different years in the «Stellar Labyrinth» series. "Enemy Unknown" and "Hot Start" were published under one cover in the «Stellar Labyrinth - collection» series
  • [19.08.2002] Interview from the #sf&f, channel, taken in May, 2002. (in Russian)
  • [19.08.2002] The first book of the new cycle «War for mobility» was published in the «Stellar Labyrinth» series of the AST publishers. The title of the book is «Heritage of the giants». In the same series the collection «Hydrofoil Jolly Roger» is on the way. It consists of stories and short stories of different years.
  • [19.08.2002] Newspaper «CDpro» about the disk (article by Kseniya Khatsko):
  • [19.08.2002] The IDDK firm (Moscow) issues a multimedia disk «Vladimir Vasilyev: sci-fi worlds» (cover) in the series «CLASSIC electronic book» The disk includes: complete set of works, a lot of mp3 songs, many photos. With the help of a special program the texts can be listened in audio mode.
  • [14.06.2002] «Three steps towards Dankarten». Got permission to upload the whole text to the Net.
  • [04.24.2002] The full text of the novel «Hot Start» is available.
  • [04.02.2002] An CD of songs performed by Vladimir Vasilyev is out. (Mini-CD format). The disk contains part of the concert at the opening of "Star Bridge - 2001 [Zvezdny Most]" festival and three bonus tracks from "Zasada-millenium".
  • [04.02.2002] Additional texts in the reviews section.
  • [04.02.2002] Added some news from the writer.
  • [02.12.2002] A book consisting of the novels «Wolfish Nature [Volchya natura]» and «Beast in each of us [Zver v kazhdom iz nas]» in the series «Stellar Labyrinth-collection [Zvezdny Labirint-kollektsia]».
  • [02.10.2002] One of the early V.Vasilyev's novels «Blades [Klinki]» was republished in «Stellar Labyrinth-mini [Zvezdny Labirint-mini]» series (pocketbooks). The book also includes the «The Heart of the Forest [Dusha chashoby]» short story.
  • [01.10.2002] A collection by the name «Science fiction-2002 [Fantastica-2002], 1st issue». It begins with Vladimir Vasilyev's story «Homeland of indifference [Rodina bezrazlichiya]» («Vedmak from Greater Kiev [Vedmak iz bolshogo Kieva]» cycle)
  • [01.06.2002] The long awaited novel «Hot start [Goryachy start]». is available at last. The book was published in the «Stellar Labyrinth» series of the AST publishing house.
  • [12.26.2001] Another book of the series «Stellar Labyrinth-collection» of the AST publishing house. It is one of the well-known novels «Going into the night [Idushchie v noch]». The book is already being sold in Moscow.
  • [11.26.2001] An addition to the photographs collection. Photos from the writer's archivrs are now exposed.
  • [11.08.2001] The cover of the book «Going into the night» from the «Stellar labyrinth—collection» of the AST publishing house is now available for viewing.
  • [11.01.2001] The twentieth autor's book «Death or Glory/Black relay-race [Smert ili slava/Chernaya Estafeta]» is published. Search it in the bookstores of Moscow.
  • [21.10.2001] The last tracks («Sur», «Captives of the city») in mp3 format from the multimedia CD «Zasada-92»
  • [21.10.2001] The «Zasada-92» secton has been expanded, the song «Master of roads» is laid out in mp3 format..
  • [01.10.2001] In the «Stellar labyrinth-mini» (pocketbooks) the novel «Hunting Wild Trucks» has been republished.

  • [01.10.2001] New section, dedicated to Vladimir Vasilyev favourite pastime — yachts — has been opened.

  • [01.10.2001] The collection «Our Sci-fi 2001 [Nasha Fantastica-2001]» is out. Vladimir Vasilyev's story «Esteban Blankes Cloister» is included

  • [10.09.2001] The «Science Fiction» magazine published the short story «Wiedzmin z Wielkiego Kijowa» («Witcher from the Greater Kiev» — editor's note ), Katowice, Polska, maj 04 2001

  • [10.08.2001] The full version of the novel «Beast in everyone of us» is laid out

  • [08.08.2001] Vladimir Vasilyev's birthday. You can leave your congratulations in the guestbook

  • [05.08.2001] In the «Alternative Pegasus» series of the «Lan'» publishers (SF writers' verses) a small volume of verses and songs of Vladimir Vasilyev is being prepared.

  • [04.08.2001] The work on the «Hot Start» novel is finished. The text is handed over to the publishers; the book's coming out in the «Stellar Labyrinth» series is planned for November, 2001.

  • [04.08.2001] The multimedia CD «Zasada—millenium» is going to go out in large quantity (no less than 1000 copies). «Zasada-millenium» will be an improved and expanded variant of «Zasada-92» CD.

  • [15.06.2001] Vladimir Vasilyev's collection «Three steps to Dancarten [Tri shaga na Dankarten]» has been published.

  • [15.06.2001] Vladimir Vasilyev answered another bunch of questions. Almost all mp3 from the «Zasada-92» CD are laid out.

News from the desk
  •    A new story, «Rock on the road», is going to appear in the third issue of «Science Fiction - 2001» collection. The story is largely autobiographic and it tells about the musical period of author's life.

  •    In the «Stellar Labyrinth-collection» series of the AST publishers a volume with novels, published before in books «Blades» and «Stars above Shandalar» is going to be published

  •    Due to a hard economic situation in Lithuania publishing the chances of publishing a book in this country have fallen greatly. But efforts are being made to publish four works (about the witcher from the Greater Kiev) in Poland.

  •    The multimedia CD «Zasada-92». is going to be republished. The quality of the record will be significantly improved - the first records are being digitized (in contrast to the first release, when the third, quite shaddy, record was digitized.

  •    In the «Stellar Labyrinth-mini» series of the AST publishers the following Vladimir Vasilyev's books are planned:
  •    Collection of stories and short stories «Jolly Roger on submerged wings». The book will include these stories: «Surgeons», «Ghost City», «Wake up on Selentina», the title story and short stories: «Forgotten road», «Shroud», «Mountain spirit gorge», «Overagers»
  •    «Witcher from the Greater Kiev» - collection of novellas about Geralt, which will include the title short story, «Duty, honor and taimas,», «Matter of price», «Motherland of indifference» and other short stories and stories.

  •    The plans of the AST publishers also include the novel written for a long time - «Preserve [Zapovendik]», fragmentarily familiar to the reader. The story «Wake up on Selentina», stories «Masters of the Sky» and «Warble of the singing owl» are nothing else but episodes from this novel.

Leave your questions, comments and suggestions.
© Vladimir Vasilyev, 1999-2001
© "Russian sci-fi", editor-in-chief Dmitriy Vatolin, 1999-2001
© Vict0r, design, make-up, support, 2001
© Denis Lianda, translation into English, 2002
Any materials from this page cannot be used without consent of authors or publishers.
